Recorded Webinars
How to Use MOAA’s Online Chapter Dues Program
Get answers to frequently asked questions about this process, plus a complete video tutorial for new users.
Community Outreach Grant Program (NEW FOR 2022-23!)
This webinar provides information on The MOAA Foundation’s Community Outreach Grant Program, including a brief overview of the program, the application process, some best practices, and frequently asked questions.
Chapter Management in 2020
Capt. Erin E. Stone JAGC, USN (Ret), MOAA’s Program Director, Council and Chapter Affairs, provides a 2020 tutorial on how to manage a chapter, including best practices, recruiting tools and resources, and MOAA key dates and initiatives that all chapters should be aware of.
MOAA Designated Scholarship Program
Please join Ms. Andrea Rand, J.D., Development Director, MOAA, as she provides a short overview of the MOAA Scholarship Fund and Educational Assistance Program and why a designated scholarship may be a good option for MOAA’s councils and chapters to consider.
The MOAA Foundation
Get insights for those wishing to learn more about how the MOAA Foundation is helping military families every day through 14 proven MOAA programs that touch over 50,000 currently serving troops and veterans of all ranks and their families and survivors each year.
Committee Module with Near Real Time Training Webinar
Please join Daniel Slattery, Council and Chapter Affairs Specialist, as he provides specialized training on the Committee Module (CM) and the added features included on this real time CM platform. This webinar tutorial will demonstrate the functionality of using the CM, managing and updating the officer and membership roster, accessing the Near Real Time (NRT) notification and retrieving the most current recruitment lists. Download the accompanying PDF guide here.
Chapter Tax Exemption Status Webinar*
Maj. Gen. Joseph G. Lynch, USAF (Ret), General Counsel, MOAA, offers specialized training for those wishing to learn more about the procedures for obtaining exemption recognition, annual filing requirements and other pertinent information regarding the tax status for your affiliate organization.
Legislative Affairs Webinar
Learn more about the roles and responsibilities of the legislative chair/liaison position, grassroots advocacy efforts and legislative priorities in this webinar.
Event Planning Webinar
Specialized training from Suzanne Walker, Executive Assistant to MOAA’s President, and Director of Meetings and Conferences, for those wishing to learn more about organizing large functions and the art of event planning.
MOAA Virtual Affiliates*
Would you like to learn more about the MOAA web-based virtual affiliates? Please join the MOAA Army Nurse Advocates Virtual Chapter President, COL Jeri Graham, USA (Ret) and Vice-President, LTC Joseph Gollasch, USA (Ret), as they provide a short overview on how a core group of MOAA members, who are already bound together with some common purpose or ongoing activity, can establish other virtual chapters by following these easy start-up steps.
*Username and password are needed to access these videos.
Note: Your computer may prompt you to download software to view some older videos. Webpages may not format properly, but the video should play.
[RELATED: MOAA’s Council and Chapter Social Media Guide]
If you experience difficulties accessing the site, you may always call for assistance. Our Member Service Center is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern (Monday-Friday) at (800) 234-6622. If you’d like to use the links provided on the login page to reset your own username or password, you may do so online.